Just wondering if anyone else plays on sniper only servers ? The 84th USMC server is one of my all time favs . They run a great game with minimal bullshit (spawn kills , landsharks , etc ) .
personally i love servers with all weapons enabled.... if u dont like shotguns, rockets, and sniper rifles, then goto a tactical server. HaHAhHahAHHa
personally i like the tnp snipers only server and the KLDKR or something like that.... favorite is the tnp one cuz its snipers only without modding the sniper rifles like the KLDKR server did (upped to clip size to 10).
I used to play on snipers only a lot. Then I was into rilfes only. Only map that need a block of sniper rifles is Omaha lol. No weapon really bothers me.
I like all of the weapons, and I don't feel any of them are unfair, including the shotty. Some mods make the game better, true. But I never thought the original was terrible either.