[quote="(5th)Captain Rodriguez":6dbb0]Having a rocket whore miss you and then running up to him and bashing his skull in.....yeah...that is funny

In fact any sort of bashing is funny. I love creeping up behind a sniper and bitch slapping him to death. Its even funnier though when you stand behind them for a couple of seconds pondering " should I? " only to have them all of a sudden realize you are behind them and they kill you with a lucky shot.....now that sucks lol. I've had that happen lots of times because I get all excited at knowing I am about to bitch slap someone lol.[/quote:6dbb0]
The best thing about when u avoid a rocket coming at u from 20ft away is how u do it. most rocket A$$e$ try aiming for your head I always crouch just before they fire and getim in the gut for a cool vishual affect, but it only works is your on a level plain. I killed a rocket guy the other day with a sniper right after he shot his rocket at me and the last thing a saw in my scope was a rocket blasing through the air at me with the word death in front of it zooka: eatthis: