Having viewed most of the MOHAA community Websites, they normally state that when a new video gets released on www.ea.mohaa.com, they say that its an old video and they have seen it before???
Im totally confused, were all the community sites given previews or summit or are there other videos to view that I dont know about?
Cheers for your help.
Ours is not to reason why.
Ours is but to do or die.
Yep new about them cpt.Kickass, thats the ones I was reffering too, but most of the community websites state that they have seen them before, just wondered how that was possible since EA have just released them?
cuz they are smart asses lol, we havent seen any of these videos, only if they were at e3 or saw the the gamespot trailer wayyyy back in may, they are all new
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"Ya Whatever