Hi! I was just asking a few questions.
First of all does anyone else have the problem where there blood mods don't work on spearhead. Also can anyone give me a quick tutorial on skinning. Maybe somone could give me the link for one. Also i'm looking for a clan that uses gspy. E-mail me @ patterson_stg44@yahoo.com
The blood mods for AA don't work on SH..some of those that do look like a 50 gal drum of red paint exploding. This is because they use water splashes for thier base.....laughable. Ok anyways your best bet is to look for newly released blood mods made for SH. The Modding Theater I believe has some.
As for skinning, first of all you need a paint program, like photoshop. As for a guide, aa.com should have one in the guides section. If not try the modding theater.
A clan which uses Gamespy.....Gamespy is lame imho. Use the All Seeing Eye. Any clan out there usually has a link to GS. So you should be able to find them on ASE too. Good luck, I hope thats all you needed to know.