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Sgt. Pepper. is Offline
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Default 12-24-2002, 02:05 AM

Yeah I dont kill two and move I usaully find one spot and kil kill kill until I buy it. Moving just makes me more of a target, and im not good at sniper assault.

The other thing is most of us have been playing long enough that we know all the spots so we cover them when on the move.

Get a custom scope.
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Default 12-24-2002, 02:28 AM

Anti what would you know about sniping! Oh wait.. biggrin:
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Re: post your sniping tactics here!!!
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Default Re: post your sniping tactics here!!! - 12-24-2002, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:

Important things to understan : Strafe + fire = accurate . strafe + lean + fire = accurate . Strafe + moving back or up = not accurate . strafe + moving back or up + lean = not accurate .

This also good for STG , M1 and BOHT SNIPER . Since all other gun are accurate with all combination.

Danm , did i tell my trick there?
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Re: post your sniping tactics here!!!
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Default Re: post your sniping tactics here!!! - 12-24-2002, 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by Matrf
Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:
Important things to understan : Strafe + fire = accurate . strafe + lean + fire = accurate . Strafe + moving back or up = not accurate . strafe + moving back or up + lean = not accurate .

This also good for STG , M1 and BOHT SNIPER . Since all other gun are accurate with all combination.

Danm , did i tell my trick there?[/quote]

hoooo no wait! I was good with the STG because i was using a norecoil mod! Not because i am enought smart to understand how danm guns work!
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Re: post your sniping tactics here!!!
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Default Re: post your sniping tactics here!!! - 12-24-2002, 08:27 AM

[quote="aNti hEro":9d617][quote="Jedi Marksman":9d617]
Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:

[quote="Jedi Marksman":9d617] a sniper does not run around gunning down people like a common rifleman. He/She waits, patiently, concealing themselves. Your shot should come from nowhere. Also, the most kills you should get from any one position is 2. After that, move. [/quote:9d617]

haha thats pretty funny. in my mind there are two kins of snipers. one the actual sniper that loves his hiding spots, even if he takes a kill or two from there. thats all he ever plays. hiding away, very coward like. the other is the actual sniper, more liek sharpshooter. hes the guy thats running around in halls, dueling with smgs on a constant rate. that to me is real sniping, not just hiding away.[/quote:9d617]

That to YOU is real sniping? Well, have news for you. . .It's not.
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Default 12-24-2002, 08:31 AM

Some people have said yea or nay on high ground. If you get into a high ground position. . .get may be 2 or 3 kills from there then move. It's kept me alive more than once. I cannot tell you how many times that has saved my life. Since the acoustics in the game are not realistic there is no real way to disguise your shots as coming from somewhere else using rocks, buildings, etc. Just relocate. . .relocate. . .relocate.
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Coleman is Offline
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Default 12-24-2002, 01:26 PM

Yeah, i have to agree with Anit on this one....I hate just sitting places. I get too jittery and want to find someone else. That's why I move around the map and go for all the MG, SMG, Shotty people. If you are truely a REALLY good sniper, then you would and could move around the map killing while you don't get killed. I usually hang around in the slanted slabs of concreate in Destroyed. That's my favorite spot to be. It great when you can defend your spot and everyone on the other team knows YOU are there. They all try to come for you and yet they seem to die every time. Thats when you know you're a good sniper. You can work under pressure. Once you can do the pressure's no problem being able to "camp" (litteraly sit not moving in one area...sitting) one spot and wait for others to come. I think once you get out of the "classic sniper" ego, you can actually be better at sniping and not have to worry about starting fires. I love to snipe and i usually snipe...unless it's a tight map. That's my say on the subject.

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Default 12-24-2002, 01:39 PM

[quote="Garry Coleman":957c8]Yeah, i have to agree with Anit on this one....I hate just sitting places. I get too jittery and want to find someone else. That's why I move around the map and go for all the MG, SMG, Shotty people. If you are truely a REALLY good sniper, then you would and could move around the map killing while you don't get killed. I usually hang around in the slanted slabs of concreate in Destroyed. That's my favorite spot to be. It great when you can defend your spot and everyone on the other team knows YOU are there. They all try to come for you and yet they seem to die every time. Thats when you know you're a good sniper. You can work under pressure. Once you can do the pressure's no problem being able to "camp" (litteraly sit not moving in one area...sitting) one spot and wait for others to come. I think once you get out of the "classic sniper" ego, you can actually be better at sniping and not have to worry about starting fires. I love to snipe and i usually snipe...unless it's a tight map. That's my say on the subject.[/quote:957c8]

what's the point of using a sniper rifle if you run around attacking up close?

use a mauser
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Re: post your sniping tactics here!!!
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Default Re: post your sniping tactics here!!! - 12-24-2002, 02:46 PM

[quote="Jedi Marksman":6a467][quote="aNti hEro":6a467][quote="Jedi Marksman":6a467]
Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:

[quote="Jedi Marksman":6a467] a sniper does not run around gunning down people like a common rifleman. He/She waits, patiently, concealing themselves. Your shot should come from nowhere. Also, the most kills you should get from any one position is 2. After that, move. [/quote:6a467]

haha thats pretty funny. in my mind there are two kins of snipers. one the actual sniper that loves his hiding spots, even if he takes a kill or two from there. thats all he ever plays. hiding away, very coward like. the other is the actual sniper, more liek sharpshooter. hes the guy thats running around in halls, dueling with smgs on a constant rate. that to me is real sniping, not just hiding away.[/quote:6a467]

That to YOU is real sniping? Well, have news for you. . .It's not.[/quote:6a467]

yeah ur right. i guess thats sharpshooting. you "snipers" can keep ur camp spots.
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Default 12-24-2002, 03:22 PM

I usually search 4 a crowded area where i can camp, then i make allot of noise throwing nades n stuff in front of me, and most of the the times some sucker comes to check who that is....and then BAM headshot.. cool:
now thats ownage M16:
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Default 12-24-2002, 03:43 PM

It all depends where you are. Always try to get into an open area with some hiding spots. If your in close quarters such as V2 then I recomend hiding near a door so you can kill people as they walk through. I prefer to use headphones becasue they allow me to hear anyone sneaking up behind me or walking through the doors. IF your in a level like the hunt or destroyed village I recommend staying in one position untill you absolutly have to move. But dont go firing away like a mad man or you will be seen. Take a rest between shots. If you get into a close quarters sniper fight or you and the enemy sniper can easily see eachother start moving fast. Alwasy keep your sights on his chest not his head. Remember a kill is a kill. Wait untill the enemy sniper shoots. Stop for no more than half a second aim and fire. Dont worry about being shot by him because he is recharging his rifle and is defensless. Count his shots. If he fires 5 shots chances are hes out of ammo. Thats your que to run at him with your pistol drawn. And if you get into a fight wiht some one who has an auto I recomend either pulling the pin on a grenade or taking your chances with a pistol. THis is all I feel like telling you. I am goign to keep the rest of my secrets exactly that.
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Coleman is Offline
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Default 12-24-2002, 04:29 PM

anit hero and I are the new age snipers...we actually get kills from more skill. I say if you are going up against a bunch of mg guys AND you kill them....well, that's a job well done. If you sit there and wait AND KILL a passer-byer, than good job, but c'mon, there is less satisfaction in that.

I don't care about all that stealth crap...i say as long as you get the kill and you're not killed, then you accomplished your goal. Killing is the whole point here. Don't forget that.

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Default 12-24-2002, 04:34 PM

[quote="Garry Coleman":1e115]anit hero and I are the new age snipers...we actually get kills from more skill. I say if you are going up against a bunch of mg guys AND you kill them....well, that's a job well done. If you sit there and wait AND KILL a passer-byer, than good job, but c'mon, there is less satisfaction in that.

I don't care about all that stealth crap...i say as long as you get the kill and you're not killed, then you accomplished your goal. Killing is the whole point here. Don't forget that.[/quote:1e115]

there's more to MOHAA than getting top kills, a true sniper covers and area making it extremely scary for the opponent to come out, thus making them stress out and more likely that your teammates can flank the enemy, especially useful on objective maps, where dealying tactics are sometimes better than running out to get 2-3 kills but to be cut down by the other guys.
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Default 12-24-2002, 04:47 PM

If you're in an objective game...i say get as many kills as possible even if it means killing yourself (well, not if you're the last person on your team). THEN, you can depend on your teammates to do the rest. C'mon, if the sides are even and you go and take a nade into a group and kill about 4 or 5 people.... i say mission accomplished. Then, less people for you teammates to kill, obviously.

If you worry too much about stealth, another person can just flank you. You walk all slow and duck but in return that gives the enemy an advantage in most cases. If you run to where you want to be killing on the way, what's the point of being stealthy? These are my opinions on the game, and that's how i play. I'm not being a preacher and making everyone convert. I'm just telling about my gamestyle.

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Default 12-24-2002, 05:12 PM

[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":fe450]My tip wasn't good I guess. oOo:[/quote:fe450]

Au contraire Joe , using the scope is a hell of a good idea. oOo:
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