SPEARHEAD---------------------------- WHAT A F*ING NIGHTMARE -
12-24-2002, 12:51 PM
I tried spearhead at my friends house played multiplayer and found it to be the worst game ever. The guns are all mest up and the levels are to open. The only good thing was the uniforms and one level named BREST. Any way merry christmas and i hope i didnt kill your day.
SURE YOU DID...opinions are like assholes...everybody has one. if you dont like the game. dont play it.the question is why you felt the need to share it with us...BUTCHER
Its a message moard, he can say whatever he likes. Its just an opinion, judge the game for yourself.
I concur. We all don't need to agree with him, but that's his opinion. Honestly, I'm close to feeling the same way with him, but I like alot of the weapons. The lack of support for the game, lack of availability for gamers modding, and all of the glitches fustrate me.
You can lean while moving in spearhead but it has to be enabled server side.Type in console dmflags 262144 will turn this option on.Lot of info also at http://www.mohadmin.com.
Yeah, other than the glitches like floating and butt-slide, you can actually turn the game into Allied Assault if you wanted. That would require setting the gravity, runspeed, runmult and a couple others to defaults from 1.11; modding the weapons (I think someone has already come up with a classic AA mod); and removing the use of weapons like the grenade launcher, sten, ppsh, etc. Then you'd have an expansion pack with a few new maps and some glitches. oOo: eek:
My own personal opinion is that Spearhead's great with the new weapons. It also gave me the opportunity to learn how to mod the weapons since I was too impatient for a CKR-like mod. There's a huge downfall, though, and that includes the sudden loss of admin commands, that floating glitch and huge server load. And personally I think all of the new maps suck giant dung, but that's just me. I would love to try TOW some more, but the damn maps crash the server for some weird reason. BAH... just wasting time until I leave for the in-laws... Merry X-mas, gang.
This is what i thought you guys would say i have a question I HATE THE BLACK HILIGHTS OF THE TEXT can you get rid of that and also i hate how the some of the weapons have no recoil, I got used AA so now i cant use the weapons for crap. Also did you notice how the weapon selection is mest up. the thompson apears some time instead of the new gun. Anyway if you guys got some nice mods to fix all this crap and make it look more like AA that would mean a whole lot and if not then i go with my regular statment SPEARHEAD WHAT A F*ING NIGHTMARE. hake:
I think they edit our posts? a thought. But I like spearhead i think its awesome but hey... i like the Sten biggrin: but i havent played it much so i havent seen many glitches... happy trails and merry christmas!