Max rate Settings! -
12-24-2002, 08:43 PM
I recently purchased a 2ghzs server with 512 mb's ram! Im running windows 2000 and I'm connected at 500 gigahertz with a 100 megabit upload!
I want to run 4 25 man servers and one 32 man server so i figured the max rate formula as 12,500,000kbs divided by the sum of (132X8)!
which equals 11837.121212....
so I've set my maxrate to 11000!
Is this too much, I would make more servers but each game takes about 95 megs of ram and anything over 5 would probably crash the server?
Should I set it lower around 8000 or does a higher rate help?
Also I've noticed that other people that get on the servers have different rates some 4000, and some 25000 and lots of different numbers in between! What r those numbers are they accurate what causes them and can I change them so that all people on my server run at the same rate?
Also r there other settings I can make to lessen detail a little, or something so that my server's will run better?