These are my first sigs i have made so any tips would be great
I would have changed the patch left out the patch in the first 3 sigs but they requested that exact pic in their sig. Also anyone who wants to use the fourth one can have it just add text.
Which ones you guys like the best and which is ugly?
'cause I realised that was me, that's who I am. I am a BIG fan of the females, and no one, I repeat no one can have a girly sig that measures up to mine (and the creators of them).
This is the only one that looks like crap. Sharpen the guy and it would be fine. Perhaps a light to darken him a little bit, or some blending could help as well. Mirrior him so he's facing the other way, and put him closer to the edge and you somewhat frame in the para drop and that could help to.
Also your text looks kinda squished. Like you tried to fit it into a slot that was just barly to small.
The new ones look good, but still kinda has the text problem. Keep it up, you only get better with each signature. Go into you program and just play around with no intent on making anything and see what you can come up with. Thats the best way i found to do some neat tricks. A few tutorials dont hurt either, though i havnt used any of there technequies in a sig yet. oh well usefull info that may lead you to find somthing else you were trying to do.