which allied/axis scopes do you use while playing MOH? state who made them, why you like them and some pics if you can.
i am using Mr. Pinks reallife scopes. the reason i chose them is because they are reallife which strikes good to me. now here are 2 screenshots. 1st is allies and 2nd is axis.
i used to use my spr kar scope i made which was really helpful. for some reason there were thin white-ish lines around the black which helped me a lot. now i use nothing, since ea couldn't even make the g43 use the goddamn kar scope.
yeah i tried that but its too weird seeing an axis zoom with an allied sniper. i really would like to know where it tells the g43 to use the allied scope. maybe if i can find that then i can change it to use the old kar98 scope. think it would work?
Okay open up your pak1.pk3 then find the folder modles. then open the folder weapons. Inside that there will be a bunch of text files. Open up the kar98sniper.tik and the g43.tik file. Copy all of the text in the kar98sniper file. delete all the text in the g43 file. and paste the text from the sniper file into the g43 file. Hope thats easy enough.