No way do good grpahics make a game enjoyable. gameplay is what you need, graphics just add to the fun.
I would take GTA 1 for the ps1 over Halo.
pyro is right, halo is a great game to begin with, then its the same thing over and over. and towards the ends its damn zombies. i want to fight "normal" aliens for a change. Halo is essentially Half life with better graphics. except half life was more varied.
I cant wait for operation flashpoint to come out for xbox in march though. ill finally be able to play it without having to go into settings and turn the detail down to low, or have my enemy jerk out of my sights before i get round to firing. mmmm the addictive gameplay of a soldier sim, and the grapics to go with it. i cant wait.
thats where your wrong this game is 100 times better than mgs and i love mgs but this game is a lot more fun to play i have it on the xbox it can get frustrating but it is a great game
Splinter cell is a mix between 3rd person action/espianoge and 1st person shooter. I got the demo before this topic was posted, and it totally kills the xbox version. X-box version sucks compared to the PC version. Anyway, your Sam Fisher, a splinter cell, and theres a cyber internet war going on...and you gota stop WW-III from happening. Personally, a multiplayer WWIII game kinda like CS but with better graphics and less blood so it's rated T so kids like me can play it would be awesome. eatthis: But, splinter cell is awesome. cool: