Skins: Creating Duplicate Models With Different Textures ??? -
12-27-2002, 11:23 PM
I'm trying to make a set of uniforms using the same model just with different skins. I have this one based on the Elite_Sentry model that has my name on its back. And then another using the same model, only different textures, with a different name on its back. The first skin works fine, but the second wants to revert back to the greyish werhmact soldier skin. Although they both show up in the skin selection menu with their different textures. Which doesn't make sense to me.
So is this possible to do? Creating a set of almost identicle models, just with different headers and texture names. It seems it would be, and in the menu selection it seems to work, but just not in game. I'm stuck here.
Any help would be great.