12-19-2001, 10:18 AM
Actually the shot pattern on the shotgun should be tightened, the shot spreads WAY to fast now. At 10 or 12 feet all the pellets would still pretty much make a single large hole in the target. Otherwise I think the shotgun is very realistically modelled. There is no reason anyone should survive a close range shotgun hit anyway.
What alot of people here seem to be missing is that as you move toward more realism you move toward more "balance" when people are forced to use the weapons within the parameters that they would be used in real life you have achieved balance. All told other than the number of shots required to kill with any weapon I think the guns are pretty well modelled. Just tweaking the damage up on them all so that any chest or head shot is a guaranteed kill would make the game almost perfect.
[This message has been edited by Vermilion Leader (edited December 19, 2001).]