I downloaded the MOH MP demo and when i clicked to run the program it said couldn't setup opengl subsystem at the very end and quit on me. I saw other people that posted the same problem but I need better instruction to fix....Help PLz!!
what kind of graphics card do u have i got the same message it found no trace of opengl on my system which is bull if u can run rtcw u can run mohaa rtcw requires full opengl and i play the game fine on high graphics plus mohaa still has some bugs in it and technical problems they'll be fixed though no worries
So there is no way to fix it?????I can't play the demo at all...that sucks i have been waiting and waiting the demo gets here and of course it doesn't work on my cpu. I sure hope the full version will work.
well i am not really sure but everyone I talk to has a Nvidia card,maybe other types of cards are not supported in the demo...?
I dunno man that is real weird...
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