[quote="c00ki3 m0nst3r":4bd42]hrm... we cheat? news to me. lol hey everyone go look who all signed the petition. i personally signed it 16 times.

but o my those porno adds violate petitiononline's host's acceptable use policy... o my, i hope their hosting doesnt cut them off. lol[/quote:4bd42]
How old are you Cookie? PM me seriously it is bothering me how much of a little kid you are. I would hate to think that you are older then 14. Because if you were then I think it's time to throw out all of the Star Trek memorabilia, get a job that pays over minimum wage (yes I know you might have to actually get an education), and, most important, stop acting out on people with your bottled up rage. Remember, these people didn't sexually and physically abuse you, that was your parents. Go delete their files or something and leave everyone else alone.