would like to learn how I can bind certain keys to say certain things fast, like Yes Sir, cover me, i'll cover you and that. Fx, I saw a guy yelling Grenade Take cover everytime he threw a grenade... How does one do that
and look for unnamedsoldier.cfg.
But you would have to kind of try with the voice commands. Um, lemme see. For cover me, it would probably be cover me. lol. and grenade take cover. it might be take cover. i dunno. but thats where your binds are at.
Here put this in, (dont forget to use notepad to open it.)
bind t "sayteam"
(this is not a voice command bind its an example)
if you open it with notepad copy and paste a square thats inside the notepad, in front of bind.
[This message has been edited by AlphaLeader (edited December 21, 2001).]