Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Unknown_Sniper":e94b2]Yeah they didnt lose because of drunk generals. They lost because the Allies had superior technology in many fields, more highly trained soldiers, more weapons, GOOD TACTICS, and we used False information to trick the germans into moving to places we wanted them. This opened up many places in france and allowed us to gain a HUGE footstep. I recomend not basing your ideas of history on a Hollywood Movie. Read a History book, or watch the history channel You might learn a thing or too.
fist of all axis had wayyyy superior technology than the allies, only towards the end did the allies surpas them, the reason the germas lost was because hitler was too cocky and the allies outnumbered the axis by alot. also if the japs were not atomic bombed the allies would have lost alot of men before taking it by foot. so i reccomend you not base ur veiw of history on patriotism or you lose alot of the facts hake:[/quote:e94b2]
technology went back and forth throughtout the war.
for example when the Russians made the T-34 the Germans saw that their tanks were crap so they made Tiger and Panther, the Russians then made T-34/85 and IS-2, the Germans made Tiger II, etc.
whenever either side came up with a good idea the opponent went back to teh drawing board and came up with a better idea.