Originally Posted by painswessex
All i have to say about this topic is this:
As i sit over here on this boat and worry if the the al quidea (think i spelled that wrong) or iraq is going to launch an attack against the ship. Every morning i wake up grab my unifaorm along with my anti flash gear, chemical warfare suit gas mask boots and gloves and head off to work. So as those of you who think that canada can not make a contribution to this war effort suck my navy ass! why dont you get off your computer chair and go and do something that you will be proud of like serving your country. I am so proud that i can have the opertunity to serve and protect our way of life. We are here doing this so people can sit at home on your computers and whine and bitch or type a few remarks about my country or military that you know nothing about. I have met alot of yanks in my time and i have to say that there are very few that had the balls to talk to us with out making some kind of stupid ass " Hey your from canada, do you know joe" remark. one last thing, we have done wargames with yanks before and kicked ass. Our personel are trained to do a variity of jobs as they are only trained to do one. that is one of the reasons they need so many people in there forces. We could do the same job with half the people and that is a fact because we are doing it now. My ship is suppost to be 249 people and we have around 224 and we can function just fine. So to sum up if anyone wants to start talkin trash about my beloved armed forces then i say you best be going shopping first because you dont have the parts.
Way to go painwesex, you tell those yanks. biggrin:
In war, it's not the number of troops an army has, but the quality of the troops that really counts, and Canada has some of the best, most well trained troops in the world. biggrin: