Is their a script to take screenshots -
01-09-2003, 04:53 PM
I have the need to take screenshots of players and of other things that may
go on in a match or in pubs as well as taking a screenshot of scores of my teammates and or of myself. Any one know who has one out. Thanks.
Need some help i put my screenshots in paint format and now they wont open cause it doesnt have the Program to open it with. I have WIN XP PRO
Anyone know what i can do to change the format. Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Change the format of what? The screenshot? If you would like to change it to a jpg or gif or whatever just type "whatever.jpg" or "whatever.gif" in the save line.
screenshots use the .tga format as the default. programs like photoshop or IrfanView, [url:ad86a][/url:ad86a] for example, can open this format for viewing. after that just save the picture under a new format and you're done.