Landsharking totally ruins the game. If you don't know how to do it, GOOD!
You don't need to know. It ain't so funny when your in a good server and some feltch decides he's going to be humorus and landshark. Players who do this are all assfucks who probably have no access to the beef curtains, and need to find their jollies this way.
i had one good experience with land sharking. one guy was doing it on algeirs so everyone on the map went over to learn how to do it, and i just popped a coupla nades in....
i assume you are talkign aboot the ladder/trick glitch. i know how to do it but i dont do it because it ruins the game.easy way to stop ppl who keep doin it is either prtect where ladders are or jus use rockets an blow them to hell bigzooka: