Is anyone else having problems viewing the forums at [url:2b0ff][/url:2b0ff]?
Everytime I try and view the forum I get a blank page.
Rude will probably catch this in the morning and have an explaination. I know I was having some issues with the forums myself, but it wasn't blank pages.
I was moving, deleting some old section of the forums. so you could have catched them while I was working on them.
If it continues please let me know. also some peeps are having problems with the e-mail notification. This could be caused by Joe working on them the other day. I have asked Joe not to do anything for the next couple of days to see if this clears up any other problems. I also, will not be "playing with the forums as well"
Just trying to stream line the forums for a cleaner feel and better organization.
I got it working again.
It wouldn't work after deleting my cookies but it started working after I deleted the .dat file.
It somehow got corrupted and was causing the problem.