Just because the command is included in the game doesn't mean its meant to be used. Hell I've read of some hackers finding commands to learn further than normal, doesn't mean its a good thing to do.
I understand the frustration with low FPS, but what I'm saying IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for people to pick out people from afar with fog on. example - I've been sniped sitting inside the northern house of The Bridge while the other person is near the other side of the map. That distance is truly impossible, you can even see a stencil of the persons image. Yet I question people who do it and their excuse is "oh I turn up the moniter brightness"... if fog is white turning it brighter is going to make the fog more blinding.
Also without character shadows on, its easy to pick out people hiding in bushes and in very dark shadows, even when they are sitting still.
Theres just as many nooby assinine admins as there are cool experienced admins. Just gotta hunt down the good ones. Most of the people willing to post their ip and forums on a site like this are the good admins.
If the guy is gonna kick you for owning him with a POS rifle, LOL. I know exactly what you are saying. I have been kicked for "cheating" when all I did was run around and bash people with the Enfield. The gun is heavy. It does a lot of damage in a bash.
Bash HAcker!
LOL! ALl i did was bash them with a POS rifle. on 2nd thought go ahead, kick me. Do me a favor. I dont wanna be playing on their server anyway.
Deleto, he did do a dumpuser (and I do have a good memory). However, I have never directly touched my newconfig.cfg file. I just took a look at it now, and the only thing that I can directly notice about fog being off is for dday. Would that do it? What specific settings should I be looking at? What about farplane?
Anyway, as far as considering in-game settings as cheats, that's just plain weird. Seems like a lot of the community is getting a bit myopic with this.
If you're looking for a good, fair server on which to play, there are a few good choices out there. Two for which I can speak personally are:
PureServers.com Public Server- 2034.157.6.21
Running Allied Assault and |NBM| (Noctis Balance Mod)
AllAboutNothing.net - You'll need to visit their site to get what you need to play there: http://www.allaboutnothing.net
Running Spearhead and AANR (AllAboutNothing Realism)
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
You can't turn fog off on only 1 map to my knowledge. So if ya have it off, then its off, same thing as a nofog hack, and yes, that is an unfair advantage. as far as farplane goes, its also included in some hacks, helps with god knows what, but also (as far as I know) removes parts of the game just to give you an advantage. It's realy no different from a wallhack, well kinda anyways. seeing farther and clearer than anyone else makes you able to make shots noone else can make.
heres an example
[url=http://users.boardnation.com/~mpowell1944/index.php?board=12;action=display;threadid=59:1fa3 e]NO FOG SS[/url:1fa3e]
far plane is to do with draw distance i think, it alters the colours the walls drop out when the no fog bit is used this makes people stand out even more from a distanse as you glow slightly against the black back ground.
how do i know this cause i got the honasty config and turned everthing on to see what it did. and frankly it all a bit lame, thwere just no skill involved in killing people with this on you just sit back nioce and safe and watch the score go up for the 10 mins i had it on i was almost bored.
personally i play the game for fun and theres just no fun in using that stuff, as for the honasty config it's not all it's craked up to be there are server posts on this forum about people who have already bipassed it best thing id to get the dogmeat tags on your server which disable thse comands then you know no one is using them.
Oh dday fog should be 0 no idea what it does but when i set it to 1 i did not see any differance.
sorry for any mistakes Spelling or gramatical but i just got in from work and i need sleep