Me & some friends rented a Barryserver sometime ago, and I'd like to start tweaking the server set up a little more.
Is there any RCON commands that I can use to reduce the amount of rockets and 'nades given to players? I've tried emailing EA - they said they don't have a definate list of RCON commands and directed me to a quake3 site... How nice... didn't help though...
You can get a set-up guide [url=]here[/url:a4805]
Also the complete rcon guide [url=]here[/url:a4805]
Hope this helps, and for limited the nade and rocket number, get a mod from the binaries section of [url=]here[/url:a4805]
you can email them and ask for a specific realism mod but if your the only one asking for it you an't got a chance. you have to run your config files set from that web broser they have very fustrating. it the only veriables they will let you play with.
on a plus note spoted they put a anti cheat section on at last (only been asking for that for 4 months).
i'd go with velocity gamers we have just started to rent a server off them and tere suport is fantastic and the amount of access and control over the server is the best i have seen.
you actually get access to the desktop of the server.