New Mod For MOHAA -
01-19-2003, 01:31 PM
This is to pick up where Spade and D-Day:The Full Story left off. Right now, it is called "Operation Overlord: Bigot" and is a mainly multiplayer mod, focusing on making D-Day as real as possible. This will include several weapon substitutions (ie. bangalore for rocket launcher, and if possible, working medicinal canteens for grenades.) Heres the problem: I don't know jack about mapping or scripting. Well ok a know some about mapping, but not enough about LOD terrain and a realistic ocean for me to do this alone. I also have no clue as to change the weapons around. So now I am asking anyone out there, if interested, to please get in touch with me. I'm confident this will be the most accurate D-Day since it actually happened.