Ok. I am looking for a clan to join. I am already in a clan and I am a corporal but I want to leave because it isnt very organized. I am a good sniper and am very good at tactics so if anyone knows of a very well organized clan that isnt crap tell me please.
Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
12-28-2001, 05:49 AM
Good for you...i'm certain any clan would be proud to have a member who can't even tell the difference between the general forums and the clans and squads forum...
Albow0001: Proudly invented words since MOH:AA alpha...
"That's fularious"
"Holy shibble!"
"That's Highlarious!"
"It's from Zero Wang..."
Solidus is my Techie Bear! 'Nuff said.
Be afraid. We are coming.