I am going to be Participating in the Tourney on Jan 07..And I hope the Shotgun is Banned from the Competition.This weapon requires no skill or Precision to aim....There have been incidents where people have been blasted by a shotgun real far away.I do not know if this was a fluke or just plain luck,but I think the Tourney should focus more on skill and Precision,than "cheap shots"....the bazooka however is another story...If people want to use this weapon in the Tourney,than they should go ahead and Forfeit Right now.The Cyclic Rate is so bad that is FAR otweighs any possibility of "cheap kills"...I mean sure he/she might kill one person,but the smoke trail gives away his/her position....And somone else can run up and blast them before they can load another round...but due to Fairness,I think it should be banned Also.
To the Moderators and Hosts of the Tournament:PLEASE BAN THESE TWO WEAPONS,to make the Gameplay "Fair"....Let the titles and awards go to the guys who WORK for their Frags....
Draufga"gertum=DAS REICH!! 2nd SS Panzer Div.