a good sniper always relocates! if your sure you havnt been spotted than stay but even a sight doubt get the hell out of there relocate and find a spot that has your last position in view they are bound to come back to your last postion so you can get them again anyone intested ina sniper 1 on 1 big map?-hmm lets say maybe a map hardy used such as thunder 2-- or stailingrad 2--patinance is key------ps no stupid comebacks please lol--all in fun m8's !!!!!!!!! just another post to clog the data base lol----------------codmander@msn.com
a good sniper always relocates! if your sure you havnt been spotted than stay but even a sight doubt get the hell out of there relocate and find a spot that has your last position in view they are bound to come back to your last postion so you can get them again anyone intested ina sniper 1 on 1 big map?-hmm lets say maybe a map hardy used such as thunder 2-- or stailingrad 2--patinance is key------ps no stupid comebacks please lol--all in fun m8's !!!!!!!!! just another post to clog the data base lol----------------codmander@msn.com
Ritalin is an prescripiton drug, commonly given to children, teenagers, and adults for Hyperactivity and/or ADD (Attention Deficiet Dissorder). Ritalin is actually an ampehtamine which helps control mood swings and hyperactivty by helping people concentrate and stay focused. Its funny that you would give a hyperactive kid speed to calm them down. Chemistry is funny like that.
Anyways it also helps when you need to stay awake and drive for 24 hours without sleep or study for a exam. (So I have heard hake: )
People with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) take Ritalin to calm themselves down and make them less distracted by things.
Actually, there's two different types, ADD and ADHD, like snipey said. ADD is the lack of being able to pay attention to subjects easily, like what I had. Snipey had the hyperactive disorder, where he was the kid that probably gave his own parents nightmares. biggrin:
Didn't have drugs like that was I was a kid.
If we didn't pay attention the teacher smacked us in the head with a ruler. If that didn't work we got sent to the princple's office. He had this large paddle with holes in it so he could swing it faster. Believe me, that got your attention. biggrin: