Hi everyone. Ok here it is, we're makin a petition that we will send to EA to make them realize that they should make another patch for mohaa to fix pure mode(Anti-Cheat). Since the cheaters start to kill the community, maybe this will help. If they are able to fix pure for Spearhead, they are able to do it for mohaa. Let's show them it's a need. So please guy's sign this to save the mohaa community. Since this msg will be posted on many forum, sign it only once please. Thanks
Well I signed your petition and think its good what your trying to do, however its my understanding that since the lovers tiff between EA and 2015 nothing will be done by either.
1) We've already established that EA does not care about onlin petitions.
2) In case you didn't know, there is a patch that is sopposed to release sometime this week (LOOK OUT THURSDAY & FRIDAY) that enables SV_PURE to work. Along with this a SDK for Spearhead. They were both confirmed, but the date wasn't. We were only told two weeks.
They said 1-2 weeks, but the SDK was sopposed to be out sometime around now (Weekend - today). Hopefully, they decided just to push them both out at the same time.
well i have about 1 ounce of faith for them. you on the other hand are wearin it out alittle with all the EA "hate" you spread around. you bought the game and bought/downloaded the expansion, so deal with it. hake:
will the SDK be available to download like the map editor, or will you have to buy it from a shop or something on CD? also if the Modding community had the source code what would that help them to do??