Ok I have a great idea for a mod for SP. You take the allied skin and make Army skins to replace them. The army skin will be like the skin from Wac Camo 3 Pack. NOw for the axis(germans) there will be terrist skins to replace them. Now instead of allied vs axis it is army vs terrists. evil:
Ok now for the weapons.
Army side:
colt: Beretta
silences pistol: HK USP45 silenced
springfield: HK PSG1
garand: M4 carbine
thompson: HK MP5
BAR: M16 assault rifle
grenades: frag
bazzoka: LAW rocket launcher
Terrists side:
p38: Glock
mauser sniper: Dragunov SVD
kar98: Sig 550
mp40: uzi
stg44: ak-47
grenade: frag
panzershreck: LAW rocket launcher
MG42: a mounted M249 SAW
You can get pic of these weapons and more at
new compass
new health packs
new hud
new everything!
new sounds for the guns
I think this would be awesome if someone could get a team together and make it. Well tell me what thinks. Oh and plz fell free the make any suggestions on weapons to replace the origanal.