Was just looking on another forum and spotted this excellent program to enhance your rcon performance.
[quote:562ff]On this forum there was a question about which program/patch could do the instant screenshot. Well Dogtag can, CODE as well but my patch also (in 2 ways)
cg_screenshot 1 (with scoreboard)
cg_forcescreenshot 1 (without any warning)
You can download this script at:
2. Wait 5 seconds or click on CLICK HERE TO ENTER OUR WEBSITE.
3. Click on Downloads
What it does:
With this patch you will enhance your rcon command list. See this script in action at:
[Public] Insomnia Clan Server [www.InsomniaClan.tk]|30ms|
Patch 1.21
- Added cg_forcemodels rcon command to allow or disallow forcemodels.
- Added cg_forceskins rcon command to allow or disallow force skins.
- Added cg_screenshot rcon command to make a screenshot on all the clients computers.
- Added cg_forcescreenshot rcon command to make a screenshot on all the clients computers without any warning.
- Added cg_freeze rcon command to let all clients freeze in the game, this will get there attention.
- Added clientkill rcon command to let a client commit suicide.
- Added clientspectator rcon command to force a client to go in spectator.
- Added clientaxis rcon command to force a client to go axis.
- Added clientallies rcon command to force a client to go allies.
- Added clientname rcon command to change the name of a client.
- Added clientalliesskin rcon command to change the allies skin of a client.
- Added clientaxisskin rcon command to change the axis skin of a client.
- Added clientskins rcon command to change both skins of the client.
- Added clientscreenshot rcon command to make a screenshot on a clients computer.
- Added clientforcescreenshot rcon command to make a screenshot on a clients computer without any warning.
- Added cg_hud rcon command to allow or dissalow an hud.
- Added cg_compass rcon command to allow or disallow a compass.
- Added cg_crosshair rcon command to allow or disallow a crosshair.
- Added cg_fps rcon command to allow or disallow fps.[/quote:562ff]
We`v already had this running on our server and to be honest..its fucking sweet! You can even the teams by forcing individuals to axis/allied, force spectate (handy in clanwars), freeze players (handy for clanwars also).
One of the best options is forcing a screenshot on an individual player, so if you have a regular on your server you dont trust you can force a screeny, then ask them to come on msn to send you the screenshot.
I LOVE the way you can force `suicide` on a player also, imagine theres one player left on axis camping like fuck, dont wanna kick him sooo `clientkill #` and hes dead lmao biggrin:
Try it its really good!