Why do you change your sig everyday Powell? Im jw. Btw, the mods you have "installed" dont make you look like a goodie. Hehe, not a flame war, jw about the sigs tho.
maybe you have fastsky on. try typing this in the console :
r_fastsky 0
see if that helps. if not, then try to mess with your options.
good luck.
i tryed that and the black sky is always here.. i dont remember all the maps that happen but i remember Bridge ! .. and im sure there is a non black sky in ..
I had that problem too. Its different from fastsky. Bridges, Southern France2 and that one with all the glasshouses. Pitch black with a really bright moon (if there was sun). Not it seems to have gone away. The only thing I did was install that ingame menu mod (crosshairs/fastsky)