01-31-2003, 12:45 PM
I have a mod for spearhead that actually can keep track of what player models you are using, and give you weapons based on your player models.
For example, i hae a PJGWweapons pack which gives the player the proper models for the game, and the proper .tik files etc for teh FG42 scoped MG.
then what i do is have a very fast, tight loop, runnning on all the players during DM and tdm modes to check when they die, and when thye get back alive.
If they are wearing the proper skin (something like german_kar98_rifle.tik)
they get the kar98 sniper rifle, a grenade, and a silenced pistol.
If they wear the skins german_Fg42_mg.tik they get the FG42.
For round based mod, i have the ability for each team get one player that has a portable MG42, and i have skins for each
and if they use those skins (provided in the client side pack) and they are the first ones in teh $player array, they get the guns, all other people wearing those skins just get whatevr they asked for.
In this way you can add new weapons and such to the game ;-), but its kind of a monkey way about it, but it does in fact work pretty good.
I tested it for several hours with about 5 poeple, and the only error we had is the model i was using for the germans (whcih i downloaded) had a bug in it, which caused a couple problems, other than that it worked just fine.
All special weaposn were doled out .3 seconds after respawning, so there was no real chance of cheating.
I even asked on the mod theatre forums if people would help me out and send me german paratrooper skins (IE the guys in real life that used the FG42) italian, japanese, guns skins, and models, so i could integrate them into the mod (once i had hte other 5 skins already integrated adding a new "skin" to the list of special weapons is trivial) and make a really neat game.
right now I sent the mod to the guys making the Band Of Brothers mod, and hopefully they will find some nice use for it.