Originally Posted by BUTCHER
we go a long time without a mishap and forget just how dangerous it is to sit on top of all that rocket fuel and fly that bomb into space and return. we get so we dont pay much attention to it. the launch and the reentry and landing. we forget just how dangerous this is and the thousands of things that can go wrong at any second and create the loss of life we see now.these people didcate their lives to be able to fly into space.these people are some of the bravest people this country has to offer.....
Im certain the astronauts always knew of the danger. As for the foam, if you have ever watched a takeoff from the look down cam on the tower you will see huge chunks of ice hitting the shuttle. if I had a chance I would still go up in one of those shuttles, even if I was told it would implode in space and never return, but it was my only chance to go into space, I would absolutly go. I would rather die in space than get shot in the face during war, or bleed to death in a car accident.