by now im sure youve heard about 7 flyer who died this morning returning from space.i sat and thought about it as i watched the coverage on cnn. how many people like myself dont really pay that much attention to a launch or landing of the shuttle. almost forgetting the fact that those people are sitting on what only could be decribed as a giant bottle rocket waitting for someone to light the fuse and fire them into space. we forget the bravery it must take to seatbelt yourself into that thing knowing full well the danger involved.yet they do it time and time again.willing to make the ultamate sacrifice to be able to do what theve probably dreamed of for a very long time.we see launches all the time and landings that never have a problem and dont give it a second thought.i guess its just human nature but when something like this happens it really drives home the point of just how brave these flyers are to take that ride knowing full well theres a million things that can go wrong and spell death for the intire crew. yet they do it willingly. all of our hearts should go out to these brave people and their families.i know mine does. and for them i say..LONG LIVE THE SPACE PROGRAM.
Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
02-02-2003, 02:04 AM
it takes an incredible amount of bravery and character to do what these men and women of all nationalities do. my heart goes out to all of those who perished today.
hopefully in the near future when someone finally wins the X prize ( a contest that involves anyone who has the money and materials to build a reuseable spacecraft that can take off, orbit the earth and land again with using solid rocket boosters and such massive vehicles) the danger and unpredictability of rocketry will slowly disapear. we are getting closer to this goal as plasma engines and ion engines are being developed.
the point is, space tragedies will not go away, but hopefully this will reduce the danger aspect of space travel.
i would never join the spce programe, ya know that thing that spins you around to give you a feel for gforces or something, well i would most likely puke everywhere on that thing,
i would never join the spce programe, ya know that thing that spins you around to give you a feel for gforces or something, well i would most likely puke everywhere on that thing,
I wanna try one of those one day...I'd probably suffer the same fate.
i started this thread this only had 2 wasnt ment to be a doesnt need an answer..i just watched the other tribute get turned into a flame war...i dont intend on this one going down the same road...since some jackass of an admin in his infinate wisdom decided to move it here i would request it be locked at once before it can be turned into a mess like the other one.....
Name calling gets you nowhere Butch. And I'll leave this open so we can hopefully discuss what happened without the threat of a flame starting. If I see one beginning, I will then lock it.
thats how it goes around guys love to lock threads...the guy who started the thread requests it be locked...NO GO.i dont understand it at saw for yourself what happened before. you see pyro doin his best to get it goin again..yet i cant get it got the button..its your disgusted with the whole thing..shouldnt have been moved in the first place.