Hi guys i need some help. The other day i tried to uninstall mohaa but it didn't work and never removed it from my pc. But now when i try to install spearhead it says there is no copy of mohaa on my pc so it will not install.
Did that make sense probably not but i need some help bad please. Cheers
send joe bozzoka a pm...hes got a thing to uninstall moh so you get it all..then reinstall moh and spearhead..that should fix your problem..hes one of the admins here..cough..so youll see his name at the top of the page.
you need to use regedit and clean the registrythese are the string that need to be deleted
open regedit and delete the following
hkey local machine\software\ea games delete mohaa folder
hkey current user\software\ea games delete mohaa folder
hkey local machine\software\microsoft\windows \currentversion\uninstall\delete{0DEA94ED-915 A-4834 -A87E-388D012C8E02}
reboot than you'll be able to install