ok make sure your console is enabled, and type in :
that should make 3 lines pop up in the bottom of the screen and the top one, if i remember right, is fps
above 30 is good, it changes color when it dips down
hope this helped
I know how to find out my frames per sec, what I'm trying to do is unlock them....I saw somewhere else in another post(cant remember which one) there was a console command to unlock them, instead of having them hold at a steady 90+/- 5...
ya but at certain times, your fps can go much higher than 100, and EA locked it at 100 for some odd reason, but with the max fps command you can set it to whatever you want. i set mine at 300. i see 250 sometimes, so i know its working.
FPS never actually goes over what your refresh rate is, reguardless of what the FPS counter says. Vsync needs to be off for the FPS counter to read that high, and with that off you will get texture tearing, which is caused by your monitor skipping frames comming from the vid card, as the monitor will only show 89 fps (If your refresh rate is 85) but your vid card is sending it 200+ FPS....
I have mine set at 300. It doesnt stutter, nor do i get jittery frames or screen tearing or particles. It runs about 200 all the time, and the whole game runs smoother.
Of course Im gaming on a 2.0Ghz DELL with a Gig of Ram and a Radeon 8500 128. That might help.