Just because it is you asking, there would be no way in hell I would work on something like that. I like to watch all of you bitchers scream as the cheats roll in, and I will just sit here and laugh and remember all the times you flamed me for simply being here. lmfao.
Fight your own battle or let the game burn. I could care less at this rate.
for christs sake powell, u made the most damaging skins in the game, now make something to detect them.
im not flaming u, just asking u to do somrthing about the monster u created.
i didnt make them fool. i just modified the originals. try bitching to a guy named IssisX for grabbing the original code and a guy named BoBaLoOo for making the original Chameleon Skins.
i dont owe any of you anything. fight your own battles.
for christs sake powell, u made the most damaging skins in the game, now make something to detect them.
im not flaming u, just asking u to do somrthing about the monster u created.
i dont think powell is the creator of chameleon skins
Honestly, I don't see how anyone can trust you Powell. First, you go and make cheats and then come back here crying about how you don't cheat anymore and will devote urself to the anti cheat side.Buuuuuuuttttt yet again you go back to the cheating side and make even more cheats to pretty much ruin what was left of this game. And now ur back here expecting evreyone to give u full respect and to love you for what youve done. But hey, maybe your truly a good person now and maybe ur not, but really i dont give a shit and you'll never get an inch of respect from me. You had a great role in destroying this game, face the fucking consequences for Christ sake.
no respect from you. what makes you think i actually give a shit? i dont care if any of you hate me or not. you are a person on the internet. and your anger makes me fuckin laugh. keep it coming!
no respect from you. what makes you think i actually give a shit? i dont care if any of you hate me or not. you are a person on the internet. and your anger makes me fuckin laugh. keep it coming!