Who knows anyting about editting music? Like how do you put in song breaks on a cd? I have this long 45 minute song that I want to break up at the pauses.
You need an editing program. I recommend Acid 3.0 or 4.0, it's excellent.
You can get the demo [url:9e5c6]http://www.sonicfoundry.com/download/step1.asp?CatID=1[/url:9e5c6] there. I'm pretty sure the demo willl allow you to edit the tracks. I think the only limitaion is that you can't record.
Also check out cnet, they should have some good programs that can edit.
Location: Germany, screaming profanities at the Krauts
02-04-2003, 09:32 AM
I have Goldwave. I've tried what you are doing on a song, and it worked great. I also recorded some things from BoB and put them into DoD. It's fairly easy...www.goldwave.com