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Veterans-Help with keyboard map -
02-06-2003, 01:46 AM
I was wondering what you veterans are using as your keys for opening doors, reloading, crouching, ect .
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02-06-2003, 02:55 AM
Here you go..
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+right"
bind ' "wants_more"
bind * "right_flank"
bind , "to_easy"
bind - "s_volume 0.106996"
bind . "where_you"
bind / "come_out"
bind 0 "germskin2"
bind 1 "useweaponclass pistol; bind MOUSE2 +attacksecondary; bind a +attackprimary"
bind 2 "useweaponclass pistol; bind MOUSE2 +attackprimary; bind a +attacksecondary"
bind 3 "useweaponclass smg; bind MOUSE2 +attackprimary; bind a +attacksecondary"
bind 4 "useweaponclass grenade; bind MOUSE2 +attackprimary; bind a +attacksecondary"
bind 5 "exec Gun.cfg"
bind 9 "usskin2"
bind SEMICOLON "woohoo"
bind = "s_volume 0.572016 // Normal"
bind [ "watch_ff"
bind \ "primarydmweapon sniper; exec Sniper.cfg"
bind ] "same_team"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+attacksecondary"
bind b "toggleitem"
bind c "+back"
bind d "+use"
bind e "toggle cl_run"
bind f "+leanright"
bind g "instamsg_group_b"
bind h "instamsg_group_e"
bind i "pushmenu_teamselect"
bind j "instamsg_group_a"
bind k "toggle fps"
bind l "toggle cg_lagometer"
bind m "mess_best"
bind n "never_boy"
bind o "pushmenu_weaponselect"
bind q "weapdrop"
bind r "instamsg_group_d"
bind s "reload"
bind t "instamsg_group_c"
bind u "say"
bind v "+movedown"
bind w "holster"
bind x "+moveright; +leanright"
bind y "sayteam"
bind z "+moveleft; +leanleft"
bind BACKSPACE "screenshot"
bind PAUSE "exec conmatch.cfg"
bind UPARROW "primarydmweapon rifle; exec Rifle.cfg"
bind DOWNARROW "primarydmweapon smg; exec Smg.cfg"
bind LEFTARROW "primarydmweapon shotgun; exec Heavy.cfg"
bind RIGHTARROW "primarydmweapon mg; exec Mg.cfg"
bind LCTRL "+left"
bind LSHIFT "+leanleft"
bind RALT "+panicr"
bind RCTRL "fast1"
bind INS "rcon status"
bind DEL "voteoff"
bind PGDN "exec Single.cfg"
bind PGUP "exec Multi.cfg"
bind HOME "rcon exec FFon.cfg"
bind END "rcon exec FFoff.cfg"
bind F1 "vote y"
bind F2 "vote n"
bind F3 "idol2"
bind F4 "ui_getplayermodel;pushmenu_dm mpoptions"
bind F5 "confirmrestart"
bind F6 "ui_hud 1"
bind F7 "fps 0; cg_lagometer 0; ui_hud 0"
bind F8 "messagemode_team"
bind F9 "messagemode"
bind F10 "screenshot"
bind F11 "confirmkill"
bind F12 "quit"
bind KP_HOME "move_in"
bind KP_UPARROW "hold_pos"
bind KP_PGUP "fall_back"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "regroup"
bind KP_5 "enemy_spot"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "area_clear"
bind KP_END "cover_me"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "cover_you"
bind KP_PGDN "taking_fire"
bind KP_ENTER "exec move3.cfg"
bind KP_INS "thanks"
bind KP_DEL "owe_you"
bind KP_SLASH "left_flank"
bind KP_MINUS "YES1"
bind KP_PLUS "no_sir"
bind MOUSE1 "+forward"
bind MOUSE2 "+attackprimary"
bind MOUSE3 "+moveup"
bind MWHEELDOWN "+attacksecondary"
bind MWHEELUP "say *36; bind MWHEELUP CAF1"
bind MENU_KEY "slow1"
// Aliases
alias chatON "rcon chatON"
alias chatOFF "rcon chatOFF"
alias same_team "say *56"
alias watch_ff "say *55"
- snip -
alias good_job "say *11"
alias YES2 "say *12; bind KP_MINUS YES1"
alias YES1 "say *41; bind KP_MINUS YES2"
alias CAF3 "say *14; bind MWHEELUP CAF1"
alias CAF2 "say *38; bind MWHEELUP CAF3"
alias CAF1 "say *37; bind MWHEELUP CAF2"
alias slow1 "subtract cl_yawspeed 100"
alias fast1 "add cl_yawspeed 100"
alias -panicr "-right; cl_yawspeed 140"
alias +panicr "cl_yawspeed 2200; +right"
alias -panicl "-left; cl_yawspeed 140"
alias +panicl "cl_yawspeed 2200; +left"
alias idol2 "+forward; +panicl; bind F3 idol1"
alias idol1 "-forward; -panicl; bind F3 idol2"
alias usskin4 "bind 9 usskin1; echo White; dm_playermodel allied_101st_captain"
alias usskin3 "bind 9 usskin4; echo Brown; dm_playermodel allied_russian_corporal"
alias usskin2 "bind 9 usskin3; echo Brown; dm_playermodel allied_british_6th_airborne_captain"
alias usskin1 "bind 9 usskin2; echo Brown; dm_playermodel allied_501st_pir_scout"
alias germskin4 "bind 0 germskin1; echo White; dm_pl...el german_ardennes_artillery_commander"
alias germskin3 "bind 0 germskin4; echo Light; dm_playergermanmodel german_stukageschwader"
alias germskin2 "bind 0 germskin3; echo Black; dm_playergermanmodel german_Panzer_Corporal"
alias germskin1 "bind 0 germskin2; echo Brown; dm_playergermanmodel german_afrika_private"
alias confirmrestart2 "wait 500; bind F5 confirmrestart"
alias confirmrestart "bind F5 rcon restart; confirmrestart2"
alias confirmdisconnect2 "wait 500; bind PAUSE confirmdisconnect"
alias confirmdisconnect "bind PAUSE disconnect; confirmdisconnect2"
alias confirmkill2 "wait 500; bind F11 confirmkill"
alias confirmkill "bind F11 kill; confirmkill2"
alias confirmexit2 "wait 500; bind F12 confirmexit"
alias confirmexit "bind F12 quit; confirmexit2"
alias nam2 "name TheReal{IH}Mr_nStuff"
alias nam1 "name {IH}Mr_nStuff"
alias voteon "rcon VOTEon; bind DEL voteoff"
alias voteoff "rcon VOTEoff; bind DEL voteon"
alias TEMPJOIN "exec tempjoin.cfg"
alias match "exec match.cfg"
alias JOINP "exec joinp.cfg"
alias JOIN "exec join.cfg"
alias launcheroff "rcon dmflags 1310720"
alias launcheron "rcon dmflags 262144"
alias tow "rcon tow"
alias obj "rcon obj"
alias realoff "rcon g_realismmode 0; echo OFF"
alias CON "exec rcon.cfg"
alias mestart "exec mestart.cfg"
alias match2 "set password xXxx; 64.132.???.??:12203"
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02-06-2003, 09:50 AM
NICE d00d! But I still can't figure out the bind for the voice command main menu! cry:
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Location: Buzzin around the dung pile...

02-06-2003, 09:56 AM
Why woudl you have your skins bound? That wouldnt be to avoid screenshot requests would it? You dont even force models, why would you care what skin you had on? Smells a little fishy to me.
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Location: California

02-06-2003, 02:20 PM
pest = moron.. I do that because I change my skin per map to better blend with the environment.. But what does that matter with all you thread killing Force Model cheap ass pussies playing.. Hence the reason Force Models is not allowed on MY server.
I don't think I have the main voice menu bound Joe.. That's like a middle man. heh
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02-06-2003, 02:30 PM
Joe...Do you meen Taunts in the game?
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02-06-2003, 02:46 PM
[quote="Mr_nStuff":11134]I do that because I change my skin per map to better blend with the environment.. [/quote:11134]
Sounds like a cheap ass pussy tactic to me.
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Location: California

02-06-2003, 02:50 PM
dude.. stop trolling.. your no good at making arguements anyways. you can not get under my skin so why bother.. just don't join my server.. And if you do, get used to playing without force models. And be nice to the admins. It's that simple. Now shoo..
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02-06-2003, 02:58 PM
[quote="Mr_nStuff":2afcd]dude.. stop trolling.. your no good at making arguements anyways. you can not get under my skin so why bother.. just don't join my server.. And if you do, get used to playing without force models. And be nice to the admins. It's that simple. Now shoo..[/quote:2afcd]
Your server sounds like a joke anyway. If you cant compete with masses, just get a server and fix it so you can.
Actually, you are the one that cant make arguements, you just call names.
My comments were only mocking the ones you made earlier, but you probably forgot about those already, it has been almost 24 hours.
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02-06-2003, 03:06 PM
Your an idiot dude. I can not take you seriously. You make no sense..
Mocking me? Switching skins per map and Forcing Models to help identify friend or foe are way different dynamics. What do you mean mocking me?
How is making up a retarded argument that changing skins per map is a pussy tactic mocking me? That makes no sense.
Your a dumb shit and me and you will never see eye to eye.. So STFU and go take a nap.
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02-06-2003, 03:14 PM
In between your profanity and name calling, I think I saw an agruement, but it slipped away.
Yesterday, someone asked a legitimate question about guns and skins and forced models. Your answer was to get a new pc, or quit being "a cheap ass pussy". Yet when I say an equally dumb statement mocking you, I am now an idiot, retarded, and dumb and need to take a nap.
I am impressed with the number of names you can call me in 75 words or less. Thats a skill you should be proud of. I bet your mom sure is proud.
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02-06-2003, 03:28 PM
What are you talking about? I didn't tell anyone to do anything..
Here's exactly what I said..
[quote="Mr_nStuff":d323d]If you use force models for performance reasons. Get a new computer or internet connection. If you use Force models for any other reason. Stop being a cheap ass.[/quote:d323d]
And I stand by it.. Telling me you use force models for realism.. Bullshit. That's a retarded cop-out. realism?
If you need to Force Models because your a 56ker or you have a cheap video card.. Your either poor or just cheap.. Either way your a low life in my world.
If you use Force Models for any other reason. Your bullshitting me. Your either using it so you know who to shoot at and who not to shoot at without question. Or your using it in conjunction with the brighter skins like the Science_Officer to make it easier to spot the enemy. There is no other reason.. Realism.. yeah right.. that's an excuse.
That's my opinion.
And yes your still a moronic little boy with no case for arguement.
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02-06-2003, 03:49 PM
If you need to Force Models because your a 56ker or you have a cheap video card.. Your either poor or just cheap.. Either way your a low life in my world.
Nice. Now that explains it all. I'm not poor or cheap, but I hardly think either of those situations would make me a low life.
I never mentioned my preferences on force models. I am not sure why I should bother since you seem to know all about me already, but I will tell you anyway. I use force models. Its in the game, it makes distinguishing the teams easier. It also looks better. All big team shooters have each side in like uniforms, as they should. It is a standard. Somehow you think you hold the moral high ground for not using them. Whatever.
You also bring up bright skins. You should know that force models is in no way needed for bright skins. You have just given cheaters a bigger advantage on your server. Nice work. You also mention realism. I have seen you call people names over their preference on realism before too. Why does everyone with an opinion different than yours need to be a lowlife, a moron, a cheap pussy, a retarded cop out, or a little boy?
You are the one that sounds like an angry little person.
Me? I just like to point out when someone says something stupid. That probably explains why you have gotten so much attention lately.
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02-06-2003, 04:16 PM
What are you talking about giving cheaters a bigger advantage on my server? Is that suppose to mean something to me? That makes no sense.. Giving a cheater even more of an advantage.. lol.
I'm only calling YOU a retarded cop-out moronic little boy.. Only you.. The rest of my insults are for you and all the other people out there that use Force Models for reasons like distinguishing friend from foe.
Yeah.. So you like your Force Models because it helps distinguish friend from foe.. *cough*cheap.. I rest my case.. Your so cheap.. And you do this without any regard for the other 20 players on the server that might not want you to see them in thoughs skins.
I don't consider what I said stupid. I still consider it my opinion and you make it look more factual with your honest excuse for using Force Models. And what are you talk about attention? You Strikor and a few others are just stupid shits that argue every opinion on the board. I have 600+ semi constructive posts.. You guys have 1000+ idiotic comments.
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Location: Buzzin around the dung pile...

02-06-2003, 04:35 PM
You give the cheater an advantage because now, not only does he have bright skins, but now the non-cheaters have a hard time distinguishing the teams apart. that fine for free for all, but a team match should be a team match, uniforms and all.
The rest of my insults are for you and all the other people out there that use Force Models for reasons like distinguishing friend from foe.
That would be just about everyone here.
I dont give a flip if you think that the game as delivered is cheap. I dont care what you run on your server. The difference is, I dont go calling you names over and over because you have a different opinion. And of your 600+ semi constructive posts, I bet at least 100+ of them are of you calling people idiots for their opinion of realism.
Try carrying on an arguement without calling names. Maybe then we could actually hear what you are trying to say, without having to filter out the nonsense. The name calling shows a lack of imagination, and you really arent any good at it.[/i]
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