Who is Hobbs ? lol
There ya go deleto , heheeh ,
Yea Hobbs kicked it in over drive , I like it . This week I will send out to the staff , those who don't have part 3 yet a copy .
Episode 4 is being written by a new memeber of staff , its a new style of presentaion for sure and most definately sets the scene for maps being made for Tales . He comes from writing for Star Trek titles and modding there so his styles brings some new visions into Moh for sure and yes there isnt a episode where we get beemed up lol , well even though I am workin on some future styles of map ideas .
I do have a remix of a sound mod for release its a mix of Total War with Theather of Pain and comes in at 10.5 megs . Just got it done .
Also coming soon is a new Fubah sound mod I am completely starting fresh , keeping what I liked of the past two series (Total War and Theather) and then bringing in new sounds and features I have never covered within moh and now Spearhead . So far just in getting it organized , it is so far over 14 megs .
Also classes to those who want to join in for going over how to mod are welcome , just have to use icq ( I use icq chat thingy) and email me at
lamaddog2001@yahoo.com .
Yea I am all over moh in many styles . Its the only game I have installed and still as today being so far since day one when it came out , it feels just as fun as it did when I first took it out of the box and played the demo .
Also to post and share is my Catalog and hits . From it I will be releasing a series all its own called the Best of Fubah so look for that to come as well and it will have special addtion add ons of mods that use to be on the net or those not ever released so should be fun .
Some people have written and asked me if I mind that you use one of my mods to make a skin from or edit etc , I don't mind at all . Its a hobby , its just fun workin with the many out there and sharing ideas and tips to make the mods and skins better and the game even more fun . Just mention if ya use it in the read me or something .
Have a good Week Modding community ,