why wont colour work in my scopes? -
02-12-2003, 04:55 AM
hi ,ive dwld some scopes ,but ive noticed when i install them they have no colour in them,and im sure some have had colour before ,but now the same scopes now dont ,any help appreaiated,thanks guys,all i want is a fs axis thin posts ,with a red dot in middle,but like i say the dot is always black,so over to you scope xperts, swordfight:
In your .pk3 scopefile...do scripts folder alongside textures and put hud.shader file to scripts folder. You find that file from mohaas pak files or you can take it from somebodys colour scope also.
try removing any mods you dl'ed previously that have to do with your HUD, like compass', avatars, HUD mods, etc. Odds are your having a conflict because of something like that.