Gone Fishing : Confessions of RazorMagoo -
02-12-2003, 04:14 AM
Hello Guys,
I haven't posted very much here but I thought I had to follow up my earlier one on 'improving multiplayer'.
Wow - you guys are easy to fish. Of course I don't advocate cheating. There were a couple of folks there who realised I was fishing but reading your posts has given quite a few people hours of fun.
My point (and there is a point !) is this. Stop getting your knickers is such a twist about cheating - it is only a game & most of you guys are bound to be pretty good & I'm sure you don't cheat.
I agree with the guy who said that if you play on a regular server with the same guys - cheaters stick out a mile. And, I do agree it is lame when they go on a server beating the system with cheats. No real player really wants that.
I hope I have made my point - sorry about the method. People have helped me out in the past on this noticeboard but you guys are just so funny with your replies & pretty easy to fish.
If you are gonna cheat, then you are gonna cheat. Nothing can be done about that. But coming on these boards and talking about how you "improve" your "skills" with them, and talk about how you like to use them, well....thats just plain stupid. oOo:
Please re-read post - I was pulling your leg - accept that you've been fished (And are still being fished by the sounds of your comments!) & see apology above.
I'm being "fished"? Sounds like something a child would say when it has nothing else to do but cheat. Please my son, get a fuckin' life. Go "fish" at the creek near your home.
[quote:0dba9]hope I have made my point - sorry about the method. People have helped me out in the past on this noticeboard but you guys are just so funny with your replies & pretty easy to fish.[/quote:0dba9]
Dumb!! Ya great. I love being taught lessons. Do us a favor Socrates and save the lessons for school. Don't waste our time or yours by posting dumb shit like that, especially in this forum.
p.s. i dont like cheaters, haxx0rs, or any of that kind lurking around the forums, or playing in ANY servers. Unless the server says "H4xx0r5 allowed' or what ever.
p.s. i dont like cheaters, haxx0rs, or any of that kind lurking around the forums, or playing in ANY servers. Unless the server says "H4xx0r5 allowed' or what ever.
This guy is really startin' to piss me off. Even more than Strik0r does. biggrin:
Yes what we say is funny, but that is not what we are tryin' to get across. You come on here supporting your usage of cheats and all the while wonder why we get upset when you talk about them. You sound like nothing more than a little upset child tryin' to lash out at the world through your little shit-piece computer. Please, spare us your immature crap.
Unfortunately what Magoo says is true. People just love baiting you guys. To the point that they do it for sport, just to watch you all go off. I can not tell how many times someone with 5 posts or less has opened up a thread that was so obviously geared toward pulling your chains they were almost daring you NOT to post. It's like throwing meat into a tiger pit..just to watch the fireworks.
I'm not saying I agree with Magoo on what he did... I do not.. But I rarely will post in those threads or for that matter bother reading them once I see it for what it is.
My guess is that there are a few people here who have multiple accounts.. that log in as those users and log silly posts, just to get the fight going.. then log in as their known names and contribute to the thread by debunking their own alias..
This guy is really startin' to piss me off. Even more than Strik0r does. biggrin:
Yes what we say is funny, but that is not what we are tryin' to get across. You come on here supporting your usage of cheats and all the while wonder why we get upset when you talk about them. You sound like nothing more than a little upset child tryin' to lash out at the world through your little shit-piece computer. Please, spare us your immature crap.
That is all. angel:
Powell, did you read the first post of the thread? Sounds like you don't get the point that he is trying to make. Let me sum it up for you. He is saying he was just joking (fishing) with us. Apparently he says he DOESN'T cheat but in fact, he just said he did in order to show us how seriously we react over a game.