02-15-2003, 10:06 AM
Optimal number? hmm. There's probably some site out there with the info your looking for from a quick google search if you don't get any answers here. (I wouldn't specify PC2700 when you search).
I'm pretty sure most people let Windows manage their pagefile size. The problem with that is if they are running an insanely low amount of ram, the default page file size will be really low on an NT based computer(2000,XP) so you'll run into problems, get errors, etc.. until you increase your pagefile and/or get more ram.
Win9x based computers seem to allocate whatever free space you have as your pagefile by default.
Honestly, as long as you have 15-20% free space on your windows drive and a pagefile size of 512-1024mb you'll be more than fine with that amount of ram.
As you probably realized, the page file is a file to swap data from ram as it fills up.
ps. I don't even know what my pagefile size is at home on my Win2k gaming box, as I've never had a reason to look. =)
If you're having a problem, try playing with different variables and run some benchmarks to give you an idea of what works best.
Also, if you're using an NT based computer, remember to click 'set' once you change the pagefile size or the changes won't take effect.