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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-05-2002, 05:54 AM


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 06, 2002).]
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-05-2002, 06:24 AM

I did a quick search on Copernic...found this in under three minutes:



Enhanced security
Bot Kicker?! Haha. Nice try "". Special thanks to SnoRider for the code

Bug/Gameplay Fixes
Fixed bug in NameFun toy that caused some odd crashes.



Comments on using Commands:
Version 1.7 can be tailored to your preferences by a series of bot commands.
They can be set to preferred intial values by using the Quakebot.ini file. A
sample file is included in the ZIP download file. Edit it to your liking and put it
in your quakeid1 subdirectory.

They can also be modified in two ways, by key binding or by direct "bot console" input. Keys may be bound to commands in a config file (ie quakebot.cfg) in the normal way, with the bot commands prefixed with "qb_". For example, bind "F1" "qb_assist"
will set the F1 key to toggle Assist mode on/off.

During the game, one may also use the quakebot Hot-Key sequence "Shift-Esc"
to open a bot command console. Typing the sequences:
Shift-Esc / Assist True will directly set Assist mode On.
Shift-Esc / PingAdj -150.0 will reset PingAadj to -150 millisecs

Commands with Binding Support:
Click on a link to go straight to that word.

| Assist | Attack | Action | Teams | AutoWeap | Timers |
| Glow | Stats | Grapple | Focus | HUD | NoSpam | NameFun |
| Cloor | PowerUps | Buddy | Mute | Dodge | Secure | Debug |

Assist (qb_assist)
Assist mode "true" disables autofire. When you shoot at an enemy, the bot will just assist your aim a bit (if possible). Very, very human-like; you're just a better shot.

Attack (qb_attack)
Attack mode is normally "true". When set "false", you will only target/shoot enemies immediately in front of you. As "false" is a more "human-like" setting, it is also less effective.

Action (qb_action)
Action mode is normally "true"; this enables autoaim/autofire. With Action "false" the bot is will not function as an AimBot. This is the mode that is (by far) the most controversial. Note: Action is the same as ActionAllowed

Teams (qb_teams)
Teams toggles DM/CTF mode of play.

AutoWeap (qb_autoweap)
AutoWeap is normally "true". When set to "false", the bot will stop selecting weapons. Note: AutoWeap is just the reverse of NoWeaponChoose

Timers (qb_timers)
Timers set "false" disables the countdown timers for powerups, weapons and ammo.

Glow (qb_glow)
Glow set "true" enables glow cheat. Enemies glow, amd enemies with Quad sparkle.

Grapple (qb_grapple)
Grapple set "true" enables bot grapple code. Set "false", you use with your normal aliases for grapple.

Cloor (qb_cloor)
Cloor is a toggle function the starts/stops autofire on the current target. If you want the Bot to stop autoshooting someone, toggle Cloor. To start autofire on someone, shoot them and toggle Cloor. This IS NOT the cloor cheat. It is used AGAINST people using the cloor cheat.

PowerUps (qb_powerups)
Powerups set "true" generates multicolored dots in the direction of the nearest powerup you face (quad, 666,megahealth, biosuit, etc). Good for learning about new levels.

Buddy (qb_buddy)
Buddy mode set "true" allows the bot to move on its own. Maybe I should call it "Quake TV".

Mute (qb_mute)
Mute mode set "true" disables all bot screen displays.

Focus (qb_focus)
Focus set "true" will target any enemy you manually fire on as especially hated.

HUD (qb_HUD)
HUD set "true" enables the onscreen enemy location update message.

NoSpam (qb_NoSpam)
NoSpam set "true" (default) suppresses repetitive messages.

NameFun (qb_NameFun)
NameFun set "true" cycles your name in running banner fashion. Just for fun. Your original name gets restored when reset to false.

Dodge (qb_dodge)
Dodge mode set "true" allows the bot to dodge (duh!). Bot will attempt to dodge incoming rounds and opponents directly facing the bot.

Secure (qb_secure)
Secure mode set "true" allows the bot to ignore a disconnect command.

Stats (qb_stats)
Stats just prints out some autofire statistics. It's only real use is for reporting bugs back to me.

Debug (qb_debug)
Debug mode set "true" does whatever I want it to do.

Obviously I'm not going to say where I found this, but anyone with a half-decent search engine won't need my help.

Aimbots...ten-a-penny. Solution? Give EVERYONE one.


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 06, 2002).]
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-05-2002, 06:37 AM

Cheating indeed. If I cheated I'd win a lot more games than I do on public servers.

Ok, for those who want to know this is what happened.

If any of you have read the shotguns, snipers, etc etc thread (4 pages long now, can't miss it) that Hannover started you'd know that Siggi and myself had a disagreement on something.

Well, we agreed to play a game when we could. Rigz saw him on his own server 'Siggi's ADSL server' or similar, and I went on to give him a game.

Was fairly good-willed to start. Once we got going, Siggi got me a couple of times, I got him a couple of times.

He out-thought me maybe 3-4 times in all. I won't go into how many times I out-shot him. He knows how many.

At the time I started there was 3-4 other players all ranging from 100-350 ping (ADSL servers aren't exactly what you'd call stable) and Siggi had 0 ping.

Suffice to say the other players got regularly raped. It started with me and perhaps 3 others on Allies and Siggi with one other on Axis.

Siggi racked up a few kills (if I died the rest died shortly after, if I didn't die, we won). Then Rigz joined the server and joined Ally.

So it was what you would call unbalanced in numbers, but then other than Rigz and I Siggi didn't have much trouble clearing the 2-300 pingers up.

In fact, to start, Rigz and I let them go first to find out where Siggi was hiding

Eventually those players got bored of being ritually slaughtered and it was pretty much just Siggi, Rigz and myself. The only other player was poor olli, who pinged at 200+. I felt sorry for him, he died a lot.

Now, I'd be the first to admit that was unfair teams. It was, as Siggi didn't win many (if any) rounds after that point. Either I'd get close and kill him with my SMG, or Rigz would snipe him from range after I'd died to Siggi or not.

Of all the times Siggi died I'd have to say I killed him the most. In my opinion he wasn't a bad shot at all, very sneaky player.

On about two occasions Siggi had killed me and I was watching Rigz in Spectator, and he sniped Siggi when he was very static and not moving at all.

The two times that Siggi was actually moving and Rigz shot him I was still alive, so didn't actually see it.

We didn't boast or taunt Siggi once.

I know Rigz doesn't cheat, and I have seen some of his shooting with the sniper rifle. Like I said, he has practiced it thoroughly (he rarely uses any other weapon) and is a very good shot.

So then Siggi starts to accuse Rigz of cheating and it all mud-slided from there. Rigz gets accused of cheating in Half-life by newbies, and some not-so-newbies, all the time. He ignores them.

The fact of the matter is, both I and Rigz know we don't cheat. That's all that matters to us.

We don't really care what Siggi, or anyone else says or thinks. We don't cheat, and I will not reply to any other post on this thread about the matter.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-05-2002, 07:12 AM


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 06, 2002).]
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Tyler Durden is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 12:09 AM

Well at first no one cheated for hl ! But when cheats started coming in, then they got on top of it.

As for warezing it. Who ever said they were going to do that should be banned from these forums. You sir, show lack of respect towards hard work. 2015 made this game for you, and in return you throw it back in their face ? It's because of people like you, who make the gaming companys lose money, and its because of people like you, who make it so we have to have the fucking CD in our roms to play the game WE PAID FOR. And because of people like you, we have to worry about cheaters getting it for free, and then cheating away as they make on person after another quite playing MOHAA.

And if you thik you're in the green to do this, well you are infact wrong. If mohaa turns out like DF2 because of cheaters, I wont have any choice, but to go so apeshit, I'll go out of my way to see that thoes bastards pay. Because you think you are safe when you are on the internet, but little do you know when you post on these forums you give your IP out.. And that IP could fall into the hands of someoen who will take action on you. So if I were you, I wouldn't be an asshole and do that.
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Athlon7 is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 12:45 AM

Siggi, my dear friend, I think you were overly flustered, it is possible to get really good with the sniper rifle, and when one finds that groove you can hit anything. I don't think he was cheating, and I suggest a rematch one on one, mano y mano to prove that, have a moderating spectator if necessary, there are not any bots out, at least yet, and I highly doubt he uses one, MOHAA is an experience you won't regret, please stick around k?
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 12:45 AM

Yeah Tyler, give it to me.

And I'm tired of shiftless western developers who put shite out the door and expect us to download huge patches at our own expense after paying full fucking retail.

I kind of got used to it until Oleg Maddox came along and showed us all that it CAN be done properly...Ilyushin2. The finest piece of code to ever come onto the PC market. It pisses all over ANYthing done by fat, lazy, greedy western hacks.

Soldier sim...any developer worth his salt gets the basics planned well in advance. Most basic elements: soldier positions. Come on, how can ANY developer neglect to ensure prone positions make it into a soldier sim??? It's like leaving the fucking undercarriage off a plane.

I don't think my expectations are unreasonable. Prone position is BASIC STUFF for gawd's sake!!!

I predicted nearly two years ago that eastern european developers would be the ruin of western developers if they could do a better job. Oleg Maddox and Il2 are a sign of things coming. Eastern europeans are hungry and prepared to WORK. Western developers think we owe them a fucking living for their shoddy, under-specced, half-arsed crap.

Bring MoH up to par or don't be expecting full retail for it. Full retail means full game, not Deadly Dozen Light.

I like this forum, good place to rant.

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SPRAYnPRAY is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 01:09 AM

IL-2 ain't good enough to keep your attention away from this forum, though. Guess they need to patch it
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 01:18 AM

We fly official missions twice a week in Il2. They are long and quite taxing.
In between we fly practice missions online.

To avoid burn-out I don't fly it much off-line.
For light entertainment I play MoH. Unfortunately, much as I keep trying to remind myself it's not important, my quest for quality gaming leads me to rant about MoH's many shortcomings.
In my private life I'm a perfectionist, and I extend that standard to other peoples' work I'm afraid.

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 01:20 AM

Anyone wants to see some of my work, go here:

I don't cut corners, and I get pissed off when others do...especially phat-salaried western developers.

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Tyler Durden is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 02:37 AM

yeah your right. Games these days are for slackers. What they need to do is put it in the hands of the player. Games like medal gear solid 2, where u have to hide bodys, now thats life like. And thats what peopl want. Games like moh should have came out 3 years ago, but the game industry is stuck in a rut, and now all games are the same game play !

Its like when they set out to make moh, they had a goal, and they knew how long it would take to make a fps , and they set a dead line. When they got to work, they wanted to add so much more stuff ! But oh no the dead line ! Ya see, big companys like EA and Activison are no good ! The game makers need to work at their own pace, and not some dead line of some guy sitting in his chair waiting for the money to come in ! Its not that western developers dont work hard, its that the ideas are at a dead end. AND THEY SHOULDNT BE ! I mean, they just came out with from dusk till dawn the videogame, and soon to come out with the game the thing. Both based off movies that didnt do well ! And gameplay is not going to be anything new. How could it ? So what is there to the game ? why buy it ? There is no reason to.

What western developers need to do is stray away from the big game makers, and make their own game. The reason Half-Life and quake were so big is becuase it was something new ! Now all games are based off of good looks and sound. What happen to gameplay and good acting in games ? I'll tell ya what happen ! Dead lines were set, money was cut short, and time was lost !

When the eastern games take off I think it will open the eyes of the west, and things will get back on their feet. Right now there is no reason at all to make videogames, because what is there to give to the player he or she hasnt already seen or done, or heard ? If 2015 didnt need the help of ea and could do everything themselfs, then you would have your prone, you would have your flamethrower, and you would have the time that should have been spent in the game, but was lost due to it being takin away by big bubusiness.

Which would u rather have.. A game that was set by a due date, and was shiped out with things that had to be takin out. Or a game that took a extra year to make, but had everything you have ever wanted ? I myself would pick option number 2. I rather wait 4 years, then 3 or 2, or 1 for a game. Because you know the time and thought was put into it. Not that moh had any put into it. But not enough, and more could have, if more time was givin.
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Hellbaby2065 is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 03:18 AM


Then you can ban anyone you suspect of cheating, and be one happy little kitty.



You're giving me a headache.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 05:54 AM

I had a few e-mails. Jeez, enuff already.

My CS setup was joystick in the right hand, track-ball in the left. I found it to be a killer combo.
MoH, trackball in the right hand, keyboard in the left. Ok for rapid-fire, but too jittery for anything else.

Anyway, in the interests of fairness I decided last night to do some experimentation. I got my hands on a selection of mice (mate's shop, squad-mates' homes) and tried them out.
Regular mice are pretty crap, but not as crap as my track-ball for steady aiming.
But two mice stood out...both wireless, one optical, one ball-regular.

I do believe with the wireless mice it would be possible to practice enough that one would be able to track a moving target and hit it, though not if one were moving oneself (lucky shots excepted). The zoom-in/out was faster also than on my trackball, probably something to do with my TB's age.

I went online to test the best mouse (USB Wireless regular-ball) and found I could acquire and hit targets very quickly with it. Considering I was playing cold and have no practice with the sniper-rifle I was considerably suprised at how easy it was. With intense practice I can believe that one would become quite deadly.
It doesn't explain the phenomena of some snipers always seeming to know where a target is hiding...I do know there are thousands of Asus Magic-Eye drivers out there though.

I have a burr up my arse where cheats are concerned, and that fact has un-balanced my judgement somewhat. I should have done the mouse testing before pronouncing anyone a cheat. I still have my 'paranoid' suspicions regarding snipers and aimbots/Asus drivers, but under the current circumstances I have no valid grounds for suspecting Rigz to be anything other than a sniper-obsessive who needs to stop practicing and get a real life.

I therefore make an unconditional apology to Rigz and Ydiss for slagging their names without a sound basis in fact. Sorry guys.

We all know this game is rife with cheats, but until the fuckers making it decide to get off their useless arses and give us secure code we'll just have to grit our teeth and allow the cheats to prosper. It's either that or take the risk of branding innocent people.

Final note to the wankers developing this no-prone, no anti-cheat-code game: a) Remove the sniper rifles. They totally un-balance the map in the hands of anyone who has anally and obsessively practiced with them. b) Remove the anti-tank weapons from any map that doesn't have armoured vehicles. Too many kids use them inappropriately and spoil the play.

That's my lot.

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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-06-2002, 06:13 AM

Well here's some free advice for ya Hellbaby that'll cure what ails ya...DON'T READ MY POSTS!

Ain't complicated is it. If you've got half a brain.

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Default 01-06-2002, 06:15 AM

*scratches head*
*walks away*


Solidus is my Techie Bear! 'Nuff said.

Be afraid. We are coming.
I am 's sexual slave! Hoo-ray!
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