urm..if any of u guys want the scopes mail me @ minefield_uk@msn.com and ill be happy to send which ever scope u want as long as u give me feed back on the scope....thnx
Currently me and Minefeild are in a race to 150 scopes completed. He has a tiny lead that is dwindling fast, so He has no time for angelfire, lol. Im at 75 minefeild, halfway there................
lol ooooo i cant move for my knees knocking lol...well with the NG series well on its way im on the big 106 so ill have a day at it and GAME OVER minefield WINS!! lol...l8r m8 catch u on msn
Hey mine, you get my email yet? Just wondering cause I havent recieved any response back from you yet. I wanna get the SR5i and both SR6. Extol1980@aol.com