Thats wat im trying to do im trying to get over it but its gonna take a long time for me and i dont need shit from u or Innox or Strikor or Simo about this becuase i know they hate me and their gonna insult me about it.
Im 15 and yes life will move on im trying to get over this.
not trying to bash ya, but you sound like a little girl. I know for a fact that EVERY girl get's attached emotionally. The guy, in most cases, basically has the "fuck this" attitude and moves on........
I could see Lonegunner crying himself to sleep and listening to love songs.
exactly my point. Women always listen to those queer love songs that are "parallels" with their lives. WTF is up with that?! Get over it!! Innoxx brought up that good point, stupid pop love-songs stick in every girls head from the day that they break up until the day that they meet another guy.
Naw Innox im not that stupid. and i knew u were gonna give me shit about this why dont u just bck off and fuck off your an asshole and thats all u will be.