How do you turn force models off for your server? I hate people who are coming to my server using them, I have done dumpuser on them and see they have a winter axis suit or the scientist skin and you know they are using force models.
Well what do you want the force models thingy for? Spearhead or AlliedAssault? I could easily paste this to a "filename.scr" file like it needs to go into.. Then I could just as easily add that and the appropiate DMprecache.scr file to a new "filename.pk3" file for your server.
The DMprecache.scr file would be used to execute this script.. If you have any other MODs that edit the DMprecache.scr file. They might not work, or this one might not work.. map fixes and realism mods shouldn't do this.. only security mods should be editing the DMprecache anywho. And most all of them come with a forcemodel disabler thingy already.
You all don't understand. Disabling force models dosen't do anything. You can simply edit 2 variables and you can force models anytime again. Its ridiculous.
people won't edit shit like you MPowell1944, people who come to our server arent like you, they dont spend all their time on this game hacking and shit. They play, but they force models, and when we turn it iff, they wont go through all that trouble to get force models.
How bout this one. Go fuck yourself. Who said I hack the game? You? Check the fuckin' facts before you open that hole in your face asshole. I don't take kindly to accusations. I just stated that it is easy to get by that, not that someone is going to do that all the time. Gimp.
How bout this one. Go fuck yourself. Who said I hack the game? You? Check the fuckin' facts before you open that hole in your face asshole. I don't take kindly to accusations. I just stated that it is easy to get by that, not that someone is going to do that all the time. Gimp.
Just put this file ([url=]zzz-noForce.pk3[/url:5d7da]) in your servers MAIN folder while the server is shutdown.. Then start the server back up...
You will need to type rcon no_force 1 to activate the MOD. It will then turn off everyone's Force Models every 20 seconds or so.