Actually I want to post under what our name (Swamp Ass):
Me and my friend Chris have been playing MOH non stop every night for the last few weeks. Slowly getting better at it. Chris makes fun of me because I hate using the keyboard and I love to just run an gun (suicide style).
Anyhow my question is (And he does move out of the way, hides behind walls etc etc) we shoot people dead on at times in the head and they wont go down. We'll be shooting an shooting hitting them and then they take one shot and we die? Are these people using cheats? It would be nice to find servers that don't allow them and no fucking rocket launcherS! Damn I hate those things... how skilled do you have to be to blast someone with those (not very).
Awww c'mon! I did not mean to offend Rocket Launcher guys. I just hate getting into those battles where everyone is blasting away and you take two step and die about ten time in a row!
Seeing as you just started the game it's probably going to be this simple reason:
You aren't actually hitting them in the head when you think you are.
I don't know how skilled you are at these types of games but a general tip will be to keep your bursts short (when using automatic weapons) to reduce recoil. If you're using an SMG or MG and holding down fire until the clip runs out your shots will rarely hit target.
If you already are doing this, then it's gonna be simply due to the other players being faster at killing you (more accurate).
There are a number of cheats for this game, but (so far as I know) none that stop you taking as much damage as other players, or dealing more damage than other players.
My suggestion is, providing you enjoy the game, accept you're not quite as good as these players and practice until you are.
Another is to watch them in spectator mode and see how they play.
well, i hate getting sniped by a mg from across the map. i hate people who run around leanstrafing and bunny hopping using the sniper rifle like a smg. deal with it and patch.
In medal of honor , its not because you aim head that you hit head .
You need to understand the recoil of each gun and the way to use it.
And you need to play under 100 to be good and under 80 to be elite when you already good oOo: with smg .
More than 100ms and you need to aim a bit before the target.
and you need cable or dls .
There is cheaters around , but most good player don,t cheat . Cheaters are retarted , just ignore them.
As a fellow newbie, I share your frustration with pumping round after round into somebody only to have them one shot you. They aint cheating, they just know when to duck and when to shoot. An SMG or worse, a MG, is only accurate for the first round then the recoil starts to kick it up and (in the real world) to the left. Keep the bursts short and you'll start to get the hang of it.
I love rockets evil: Slow reload time and very limited ammo plus they end up blowing themselves up as often as they blow up the enemy. They actually have a look of surpise when I have them in my scope.
There are a number of cheats for this game, but (so far as I know) none that stop you taking as much damage as other players, or dealing more damage than other players.
That's not entirely true. Server admins can change the damage of any weapon they choose. If it is not possible realism will not exist.
Keep practicing and you will get better. The only thing that I might suggest is downloading a blood mod. This way you'll know for sure if you're hitting an enemy or not. Also, I've been playing this game for a long time and it DOES take skill to use a rocket correctly and effectively.