What games are good for a 48-49k connection? The Black Hawk down demo worked pretty well, and Wolfenstien was ok, but I need more mplayer games that work for me. I would try to get cabel or dsl, but I live in a town where you have 3 options. 1. No net 2. Dial up. 3. Satillite
I could play games on the HL engine, like DoD and CS when I played it had about 210 ping, which is fine for me. Also games on Battle.net were fine. Now I get like 120 ping with DSL.
u should maybe send that dsl back im on 56k and own many times with a ping of 120-200
Location: Germany, screaming profanities at the Krauts
02-23-2003, 10:59 PM
Yes, but we're on a 1 year contract. Thank God this one ended yesterday, and the one at my other house ends next week. Still don't know what to get that's good and available here.
bigzooka: swordfight:
i use cable modem ANDdefinatly worth iti can be playing servers in the uk (from new mexico) ad get a ping of 87 easy and people with 56k that live down the road from me (shoould getta low ping) NOPE they average 200 and my Auto Kick catchs them so really just pay for cable (dsl aint very good i hated playing with 110 pings!) when i play regular servbers in the us i get around 15 so really just get cable! ditch the 56k
ditch the 56k if you can afford it but if you don't want to be a 'serious' player an just have fun then who cares there are some very good 56k mohaa players that i have seen thrash many people with pings 170+ lower than their own. me being a 56k mohaa player at the mo i can say after playing on my friends broadband that it is a little frustrating. but do u not realise people did play on 56k modems before dsl an cable an now those that still do get kicked just because they have a high ping hake: . oh well just my 2 cents mwah: