Originally Posted by DiggingInAHole
US was in Somalia to provide relief to starving Somalians. Aidid attacks troops, regardless of who declares war on who first, the Aidid attacked US forces so it has no relevance. Attacking the US means the US can do anything it wants to the attackers, why would we consult the Somalia government? Its not much of their business.
Do you really think that the Government could do anything, the country was ripped by Warlords. Sometimes the country that is able must help countries that arent. Genocide should be our business, regardless of what country its in. If a country is doing something wrong (**cough**Holocaust**cough**), then it is our business to step in.
Are you fucking BRAINDEAD? Did you totally MISS what I said!? Fucking Imbecile. The U.S could have consulted the government,
BEFORE it decided to send in the botched mission to take out Aidid (a la, Black Hawk Down).
Maybe the government could have done something, maybe not, the fact is, if you are going to do military operations in somebodies country, it is generally a good idea to consult the nation's GOVERNMENT on what is going on.
Do you think the Americans and the British, during WW2, just went into France, doing operations, without even involving the free-french that had made it across the channel....?
[quote:70406]Attacking the US means the US can do anything it wants to the attackers, why would we consult the Somalia government? Its not much of their business.[/quote:70406]
OF COURSE ITS THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS!!!!!! It's on THEIR fucking land, in THEIR fucking country.....But you keep ignoring the fact that I am talking about
BEFORE the U.S were attacked...I was ALWAYS talking about before. That is what the big fucking bold text is for, that you seem to so conveniently ignore.