Next MOH Title - The PACIFIC -
02-26-2003, 05:06 AM
from PMOH:
"We have official confirmation folks, not only on the next full Medal Of Honor title, but also on the next expansion pack, as well as some new console titles! We can't reveal anything else just yet, however - that will all change the week of March 2nd, so stay tuned folks - it's about to take an exciting turn!"
It only means something if EA will actually support their current customers who purchased their current MOH games'
I for one will think very hard b4 purchasing another EA title.
Let's just hope that we do not have to "purchase" this expansion pack, for the next patch.
EA, no support = no $$ from me
I've wasted a lot of personal time supporting EA's game for them. All I asked for was a reply to a couple of tech support questions, not for me but for the community. I'm still waiting on them to reply. I guess I'm asking too much since it's only been 7 Months.
bummer. ea will fuck this over just like they did spearhead. you'll probably fight on iwo-jima with canadians using japanese weapons or something. it will just be a half-assed skin set with shitty japanese weapons without even a bayonet, retextured omaha and destroyed villiage.
I agree with Strik0r 100%. If they wouldn't have mixed Quake3 in with MOH, SH might have been worth the money. I don't understand why they couldn't just add on to MOH and keep it looking and feeling the same. SH is a gimp version of the game.
what problems lol seems to me ive gone as far as im gonna go with spearhead 2.11 i mean the futher you go the more patchs and stuff are needed if it wasnt for mods by people who actully care this game would be shi_ and the futher you go into a game the less players are avaible ((this is a reason for goin back to version 1.1 with some mods and thats all ya need!! a few custom maps and no need to spend another $ most players are on the first version anyway[url:b8c19][/url:b8c19]
you'll probably fight on iwo-jima with canadians using japanese weapons or something. it will just be a half-assed skin set with shitty japanese weapons without even a bayonet, retextured omaha and destroyed villiage.
Doesn't this sound like BF1942? At least DTCE supports that game...
But I've been playing EA PC games for 6-7 years now, and for every game the tech support sucks. The community all bitches and moans and talks boycott, but nothing really changes. I love online petitions. You might as well be talking to yourself.
Anyway, I was a big NHL series fan -- until I figured out they basically re-release the same game each year with a roster update. Bah!